"... live separately from the rest of the people in the city"
Urban Dictionary

I may be poor, but I am GODS CHILD

Oh to have the innocent mind of a child again, how great would it be!!!

2 min read

Hey everyone, hope things are well, and if they're not then the struggles are building you up in some way, shape or form. For me it's been up and down.

I was fortunate enough to work last monday and tuesday with Geoff as a labourer.
I also got to hang out with about 14 three & four year old kids at Munchkins on Wednesday morning whilst the women have prayer and bible study groups and that was heaps of fun. Kids are on the most part innocent and intuitive, plus they have a great sense of freedom in thought and action. Oh to have the innocent mind of a child again, how great would it be!!!

I visited my cousin a couple times in Hospital. She had some problems with Epilepsy I think, and it was pretty severe, so the doctors opened up her head and tinked around in there. She had this cool scar across her skull with staples holding it together, but she's out of hospital now, and the doctors are pleased with her progress.

I went to the engagement party of a couple at church and caught up with various people from church there, met some new ones and got to know some more people, which is always good.

Tonight at church we heard Mike speak on John, and how if we believe then God adopts us as his children, even though we are scoundrels, misfits, rebels that are lowly beings when compared to God. He accepts us and brings us into his family. How amazing and wonderful is that!!!

After church a fairly large contingent went to Jem's place and I had the priviledge of talking to more people and getting to know them, and so right now I'm feeling good, even though I may not be in the best position if you look at it from 'the worlds' point of view, but I'm happy and satisfied.